Monday, June 4, 2012

On Dodd-Franck

Many things are being said regarding section 1502 of the controversial Dodd-Franck financial law covering conflict-minerals in Central Africa. Opponents of the law, citing the loss of business, call for the law to be revoked by US Congress. Supporters, on the other hand, argue the law is needed to dampen rebellions and unrest in Eastern Congo due to illicit mining trade. In the following, I add a voice to those advocating for the law to be upheld.  DRCongo needs everything, including Dodd-Franck, that helps stabilize the postconflict situation, in order to focus solely on development issues.

1.In as much as Dodd-Franck helps dry-up the resources of armed groups, and weaken their ability to resupply in weapons to oppose the national army in Congo, every effort should be undertaken to uphold the law.

2.It is with full knowledge of this reality that the Congolese Conference of Catholic Bishops(CENCO) has dispatched its President to Washington DC, to make the people's voice heard regarding the benefits of the section of the law pertaining to conflict minerals in the Congo.

3.Bad business in the Eastern Congo, in fuelling war, is also an enemy of peace and should be defeated alongside with the army groups. Being a bate and an incentive for numerous and increasing armed groups populating Eastern Congo, conflict mineral must be considered as a serious threat to Congo stability and not be underestimated or given a back seat.

4. It is unfortunate that some buyers interpret the law as an embargo to all the minerals coming from Eastern Congo while the law only calls for a supply chain audit. This would ensure the mineral extracted is not fuelling rebellions and wars in the region and paricularly in the Congo.  

5.With that said, everybody in the Congo understands that urgent actions are required for nation building, to strengthen security and particularly the military.

6.These efforts are underway with the training of special forces batallions (namely by Belgium, US, China to name a few). The special forces have been instrumental in routing the rebels in their most recent adventures in the Kivu, confining them to a small sector alongside the Rwandan and Ugandan borders.

7.Consultations are in an advanced stage with Russia to provide the nation with adequate air power and increase its ability to protect its territory against predators and looters and their sponsors in neighboring countries.

8.A key aspect of the national integration in addition to the military is the infrastructure. Congo 9 Bn$ deal with China was a step in the right direction in providing the country with much needed infrastructure.

9.The deal was blocked, not by the parliament,but by enemies of the country including World Bank and IMF who would prefer to continue to provide loans and charity to slow down the Congo and maintain dependency.

10.In a word or in thousands of words, the country does need to strengthen governing institutions, military and economy for the well being of its population and Africa based on DRC's position and potential.

11.All efforts going in this direction must be upheld including the fight against illicit mineral trading and conflict mineral in Eastern Congo.

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